Episode 3 : Levanter & micro climates - Gibraltar's weather with Steph Ball from MeteoGib

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Gibraltar is unique for so many reasons, it’s geography for one (being surrounded on three sides by sea, as well as its height) has a huge impact on the weather here. It’s responsible for the curse of summertime – the Levanter cloud, which seals humidity into the town area, makes hair frizz, and meringues flop. The cloud has been blamed for the condition known as ‘Upper Town grumpiness’ and was even thought to cause Yellow Fever epidemics in years gone by.

Steph Ball has been forecasting Gibraltar’s weather for ten years, primarily with the Met Office, and then for the last five years with her own company MeteoGib. In this episode, she talks about all things weather related to do with the Rock.





Music on this podcast is by DP Music on www.melodyloops.com mixed with Gibraltar atmospheric sounds

Gibraltar Stories is produced, edited and presented by Lindsay Weston